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Sit Down Exercise Bike

Complies with AS16630:2021


Product Materials

- UV Stable HDPE
- Powder Coated Marine Grade Aluminum
- Stainless Steel Fasteners
- Stainless Steel Bearings & Fastners
- Adjustable Magnetic Resistance Unit



Softfall Requirement

Free Height of Fall -

Key Benefits


The sit-down exercise bike, also known as a recumbent bike, is effective for developing lower body strength and cardiovascular endurance. It primarily targets the quadriceps (front of the thighs), hamstrings (back of the thighs), and glutes (butt muscles) while also engaging the calf muscles to some extent.

The sit-down exercise bike helps enhance lower body strength, cardio fitness, and stamina, making it beneficial for activities such as cycling, walking, running, and in the recovery and conditioning phase of rehabilitation programs.

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